Sigma Beta Rho Foundation, Inc.
As leaders amongst multicultural fraternal organizations and in support to our pillar of Society, Sigma Beta Rho was partner with Sigma Beta Rho Foundation, Inc. to establish a Non-Profit Foundation!
Sigma Beta Rho Foundation, Inc. was incorporated in late 2017 with the intended vision of forming a Non-Profit 501c3 entity.
The Sigma Beta Rho Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt non-profit corporation, whose purpose is the funding resource for the Sigma Beta Rho National Alumni Association charitable and educational programs. In addition, the Sigma Beta Rho Foundation, Inc. shall:
- Promote the highest ideals of Society, Brotherhood and Remembrance in accordance with the founding principles of the Fraternity.
- Provide encouragement that will propel Alumni involvement on a National, Regional or Local level.
- Provide an atmosphere that will permit active undergraduate brothers to seek the assistance of their Alumni and promote a lasting relationship with one another.
- Collect money from the Alumni on behalf of the fraternity.
Our mission is to provide academic, leadership, philanthropic support, and diversity initiatives for members of Sigma Beta Rho and their local communities.
The Vision of the Sigma Beta Rho Foundation, Inc. is to inspire continued fraternal involvement upon graduation for the betterment of the community, and improving the lives of both its Alumni and Undergraduate members through the fundraising and philanthropic programs the broader society and community of which we belong.
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