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Why does my son want to join Sigma Beta Rho?

We have all watched the movies/shows and formed our own perception of what we think “Greek Life” is like based on the stereotypes presented by media. Some of you never even thought you would find yourself in this position. Guess what? It is completely fine.

As a parent, it is only natural and expected for you to always want the best for your child. Remember the moment when you proudly watched your son embark on his collegiate journey? We want you to feel just as comfortable in his decision to not only join the Greek community at large, but to choose Sigma Beta Rho as the fraternity he wishes to be a part of.

The sections below are designed to help you better understand our organization and allow you to voice any questions and/or concerns you may have. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

Why does my son want to join Sigma Beta Rho?

Frequently Asked Questions

Historically, Greek-letter organizations were founded on the principles of academic success and camaraderie. Today is no different. Our members realize that academic achievement is the main priority of students. Sigma Beta Rho members continue to strive for academic excellence and promote scholarship by providing academic resources for our members including tutoring, academic advisors, study groups, scholarships, and awards. Chapter members know the importance of helping new students to adjust to university academics. Furthermore, our chapters have a rewards system based on GPA. Prospective members must meet a minimum GPA in order to be initiated and then must maintain a minimum GPA to remain an active member. In fact, Greek members GPA(s) are traditionally higher than their non-Greek colleagues.

Just like most other student organizations, Sigma Beta Rho contributes to the social activity on campus, so our National Executive Board has worked toward the creation of a responsible and safe environment for our members. All of our chapters have strict policies regarding the consumption of alcohol by underage members and guests as well as safe consumption for those of age. All members are held accountable to their state laws.

Like some opportunities for involvement in college there is a financial commitment associated with a joining a fraternity or sorority. The costs go toward the Inter/National fees, chapter operating expenses, and social functions. Financial obligations differ among individual chapters, as well as living in or out of a chapter house. Typically, these consist of chapter dues, national dues, and philanthropy dues. We understand the strain these unexpected expenses can cause on students and/or parents so we offer many type of fundraising opportunities to help.

Sigma Beta Rho has a zero-tolerance policy regarding hazing that is consistent with anti-hazing legislation. Our New Member Education Process is created solely to educate incoming members about the fraternity, how to be a successful member, and get the most out of their collegiate experience and fraternal membership. If you sense your son may be participating in inappropriate activities as a result of membership, please contact our National Office. All correspondences will be handled in an immediate and discreet manner.

We have an elected National Executive Board and regional officers that oversee the operations of the organization at every school. Individual chapters elect officers to manage the day-to-day operations of the organization. These officers are assisted by alumni who act as advisors. Each chapter is responsible to report with our national office. We offer support, advice, and direction through professional and experienced staff/volunteers. Also, at each individual chapter, Greek Coordinators are on staff and serve as the primary contacts for the Greek community.

Greek organizations practice what is called either Recruitment or Intake. There are two forms of recruitment, formal and informal. Formal recruitment consists of a “Rush Week” where each chapter will host a series of events for potential new members. The formal process allows your son to experience the brotherhood and various activities we engage in. However, throughout the remainder of the calendar year, all young men will have the opportunity to meet and interact with our fraternity members (informal recruitment). The Membership Intake process to join occurs at various times throughout the year at the discretion of each chapter, in accordance with university policies, rules, and regulations.

All fraternity members experience a period of orientation. During this time, your son and other new members will participate in weekly meetings to learn about the university and the fraternity history, leadership retreats, community service projects, and activities designed to build friendships among new members (pledges/associates/candidates) and the initiated members. SIGMA BETA RHO POLICIES FORBID HAZING and are committed to a membership education period that instills a sense of responsibility and commitment in our new members. This period will assist your student in overcoming some of the concerns about success in college.

All Sigma Beta Rho members take it as part of their mission to support our national philanthropy (SOS Children’s Villages) financially and physically. Throughout the year, each chapter spends time fundraising and volunteering to help the philanthropy. Aside from our National Philanthropy, we support various other charities and not-for-profit causes such as Breast Cancer Research, Make-A-Wish, Boys and Girls Club, Prevent Child Abuse Awareness, and many more. Other service events have benefited the campus and the surrounding communities. Some of these service opportunities are Ronald McDonald House, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Girl Scouts of America, Big Brothers and Big Sisters and Habitat for Humanity. The time spent together on these events is one of the many times that our fraternity brothers can bond, while making a difference in someone’s life.

The lifelong friendships your son will make through his chapter can last into post-college years. Membership in a chapter can be a life-long experience. Joining now is really an investment in your son’s future. Wherever a member ends up after college, chances are he will be able to find an alumni chapter or other members of the fraternity in the area. In addition, Sigma Beta Rho has a national Alumni Association which provides a network for our members that could be helpful in finding jobs, internships, or simply professional/personal guidance.

Be supportive and learn as much as you can by talking to your son before he joins. Our chapters provide rush packets and informationals; your son should be encouraged to obtain all provided documents and read the information as well as attend the events. In addition, allow your son to make their own choice (especially if you yourself were Greek). Your support should not end after the recruitment period but continue throughout your son’s years in school. Once your son joins a chapter, take advantage of the opportunities to attend public fraternity events such as your son’s probate show (introduction as a member of the fraternity). These are great opportunities for you to see your son interacting with his chapter members, and one more way for you to spend time with your son.